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Keep up to date with all of the latest news regarding VGS. 


Tommy Jackson is now on Twitch!

Streaming multiple times a week. Tommy will be premiering matches from some of the UK's Top Promotions including PROGRESS, Infamous, Wrestle Island & so many more!

For more information regarding stream times, check out Tommy Jackson's Official Twitch Page (Here)

New Tiers for VGS+ on Patroen

Here is an overview of what to expect from each tier.


Supporter Tier - £1 a month

The Supporter Tier is an option for those who want to show their support for VGS and as a thank you, your name will be credited in every future VGS video.


• Your name credited in each VGS video as a thank you for your support


Content Only Tier - £4 a month

The Content Only Tier is an option for those who would like to gain access to all VGS content. In addition to this you will have to ability to vote in all future VGS content polls.


• Access to ALL VGS+ Content

• Voting power in ALL VGS polls

• Your name credited in each VGS video as a thank you for your support


Inevitable Tier - £6 a month

The inevitable gains you access to all VGS+ content as well as multiple benefits. You receive a Welcome Pack that contains Signed Prints and a Welcome Certificate Signed by all members of VGS.

You will have the ability to vote in all VGS polls regarding our content. In addition to this, you also get 20% OFF all products on VGS Shop using your own unique Discount Code.

Your name will also be credited in every future VGS video as a thank you.


• Access to all VGS+ Content

• 20% OFF on VGS Shop

• Welcome Pack w/ Signed Prints & Certificate

• Voting power in ALL VGS polls

• Your name credited in each VGS video as a thank you for your support.


Choose the Tier that best suits you. Thank you so much for your support!

Become #INEVITABLE and join VGS+ today.